Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So the journey begins… again

So I've been waiting a long time to start up this blog again… and the time has finally arrived! I found out about 3 weeks again that Brad and I will be expecting our first child! From what all of the due date calculators say, I am 8 weeks along and my due date is around March 14 (as long as, fingers crossed, all goes according to planned!) So i guess they say that little MiniKirsch is now the size of a raspberry. Since i do enjoy raspberries… i like this comparison!

In most day-to-day life, I am a pretty patient person. But the one thing I am extremely anxious about is my first doctors appointment! Since I had some complications with my last pregnancy, I had my first appointment at 6.5 weeks. But, thank goodness, all is good on the baby front this time, I don't go in for my first appointment until August 22 (at which time I will be about 10.5 weeks). I'm hoping they will also do an ultrasound, because I'm super excited to see (and share) my cute little munchkin. I also can't wait for the end of this month because I will be closing in on the end of my first trimester, which has been a little draining. The 24/7 sickness and extreme fatigue kicked in about 2 weeks again, and i tell you, its not easy to handle. I am a person that loves to be active and productive, but lately all i want to do is sleep! Although I know this is a healthy way to be in my first trimester and its good for the baby to rest, its still a difficult adjustment! I have to keep telling myself… the end result is worth it all!!!!! ;)

Well its about time for me to head home and rest up, so I'm glad to share this wonderful news with all of you… and I will keep you updated on the wee little Kirsch!!! Happy hump day ya'll!

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