Friday, October 28, 2011

Nursery Idea

Ok, so this is just going to be a short little post, but I just wanted to share with you guys my "idea board" for the nursery. We are doing a pink/gray/black theme. I think Baby Kirsch is going to feel like a princess from the day she comes home! I've already got a start on pieces for the nursery… just have to start putting it all together!!!



PS. I thought you all might enjoy to know that I officially bought my first pair of maternity jean… ummm I think they may be the best thing ever!!! hehe ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WOW! Almost 19 weeks… and ITS A??????

I'm not joking when I say that it is totally hard to believe I am almost half way through this pregnancy already! The time is passing by so fast… and I'm sure its gonna keep going like that too… especially with all of the holidays coming up! Thanksgiving next month, then Christmas, New Years, getting ready for the baby shower, etc. The next 5 months are going to just fly by! I really have to take in each day because this is the FIRST pregnancy I will ever have! I want to remember it all! (Although my memory is definately not that good! hehe… but hey, that's why I blog about it!)

I know you are all thinking… enough now, get onto the good stuff! So friday I had my first ultrasound, and it was also the ultrasound at which we got to find out the sex of the baby! We were so excited (and I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous too. I just wanted everything to be ok with baby Kirsch). I worked during the morning (7 to 11) and my appointment was at noon. I have never had 4 hours of work seem like such an eternity! Geez! Once 11 rolled around… I sped out of work and off to the hospital. Once we got into the room where we were having the ultrasound, the excitement and nervousness was at its peak. We couldn't have gotten things started fast enough in my opinion. Once the ultrasound tech put the goop on my belly and got started… my nerves went down a ton once I was able to see the little heart beat going! It was a total relief. Any nerves I had turned to excitement once she told me that all of the baby's measurements and overall body health were excellent! It totally amazed me how much you could actually see from the ultrasound. The two hemispheres of the brain, the major bones of the arms/legs/hands/feet, the adorable facial features, the beating heart, the bladder, umbilical cord, etc. It truly is an amazing thing! I was so in awe throughout the whole process that I was almost speechless… which is rare for me!

So the final step in the tech's evaluation was obviously to find out the sex of the baby! She wanted to make sure she got it right before she actually said anything out loud, so she was trying to move the baby around to different positions to get different angle shots. After about 5 or 10 minutes of looking at all different views of our cutie, she was 100% sure she knew what it was (and we were in total suspense at this point!) And she says… "You are having an adorable little GIRL!" Neither brad or I said anything right away because we were still in total shock of knowing what we were bringing into this world. After a second or two, we were both elated! Brad said he knew it was a girl all along, and I was convinced it was a boy! I was going to be elated no matter what it was! I just couldn't have been more excited that our baby girl was so healthy and beautiful! From what we could see from the ultrasound, it looks like she has my nose! (see for yourself in the ultrasound!) So after we were all done, the tech gave us a strip of about 5 ultrasound pics to take home with us. Brad took them and folded them up to put into his jacket. He then proceeded to unfold them and made a comment I couldn't help but laugh at… "Man, our daughter is already in a centerfold!" Oh Bradley! ;)

So of course after I found out we were having a little girl, I just HAD to go out and buy at least one little girl outfit! Who wouldn't!? I am now on a mission to get our baby registries done now that we know, so we can add the little girl touches to the registry. Next agenda after that… NURSERY! Although I'm excited to get started on the nursery, I know how picky I am about decorating, so hopefully i will just fall in love with an idea! I've been searching online alot, and have found some super cute ideas. Brad definately thinks we should have pink in the room, so that is the only real thing I am working around (and that we have a white crib and dresser/changing table!) I'm sure I will come up with something i love to make our little girl feel like the most special and Loved little one out there!!!

We love you baby girl Kirsch… you are so beautiful already!

Can't wait to keep you all posted on everything in the weeks to come!

<3 Betsy

Monday, October 3, 2011

16 weeks going on 17

Sorry that its been a couple weeks since my last blog… work and life have gotten in the way of my blogging time! ;) Well… as you can see, i finally posted my first "bump" picture. It still isn't super big… but i have a feeling over the next couple of weeks it will grow much more rapidly! Little kirsch is picking up growing speed! At this point, I really want for people to be able to tell I'm pregnant, and not that I just have a little bit of a belly! Its becoming so much more real to me, and I want people to be excited with me! Speaking of things getting more real, I am anxiously waiting to truly be able to feel the baby kick. Almost every morning I lay in bed with my hand on my belly trying to feel that little kick. I have yet to feel what I know for sure is a kick, but I have definately been able to feel that "fluttering" feeling. I know they say for first time moms you don't always feel the kicking as early, but I'm being hopeful. I have my first ultrasound a week from this friday (which is also when I will be able to find out the sex of baby Kirsch!!!!) so even if I haven't for sure felt a kick by then, the ultrasound will definately help to make things seem MUCH more real (not that I don't already KNOW that we are having a baby, but there is still a little disconnect since I have yet to visually see the little cutie in my belly!)

So Brad is coming to the realization that I am now starting to "nest". My brain is so overwhelmed with baby things, and all I want to do is start getting things ready for the new arrival. I have already purchased an Eddie Bauer Pack-n-Play from Craigslist (which is in awesome condition, and comes with the bassinet, changing attachment and mobile), a set of newborn pacifiers and a few other things. I have baby books and magazine everywhere and I just want to start getting everything organized and all set. Its actually hard for me to wait to buy things for the baby shower, because I just want to know I'm prepared. I know, I'm a freak, but I'm such a planner. Also, I have found that lately I'm am all about watching movies that have to do with people being pregnant (ex: Juno and Knocked Up) because I'm starting to understand a little of what they are going through. Luckily, I haven't cried during them yet (but i have to admit i did cry during Bridesmaids… and its a COMEDY!) Hormones! Geez

I know that I seem to ask a lot of questions of my fellow mommies out there, but I think all of you are much better advice than Google! I was starting to think about First Time Moms. Did any of you take one of those classes with your first pregnancy. It seems like they would be a good idea to take, especially because they include a touring of the birthing units at the hospital, but I was just curious what you all think. Another question I had was about strollers. I've heard a lot of good things about the jogging strollers, but there are so many kinds of strollers out there, so I was wondering what you guys have and if you like/recommend them. It seems like a pretty big purchase, so I want to make sure I get something I would be happy with. I have so many other questions I could ask… but I don't want this lovely blog to become a novel! ;)

Well I think that's all for now… but I'm thinking my next blog I will be able to share the awesome news of the sex of Baby Kirsch (and an adorable pic)!!! How exciting! Thanks for visiting my blog everyone!