Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11 weeks and feeling good

Tomorrow I will be 11 weeks… and I'm still feeling pretty good. The nausau has started to diminish and my energy level is increasing again (thank goodness… I hate feeling lazy!!) With this new increased energy comes my urge to start to decorate and "nest" for the new little one. The only problem with this is that we won't be living in the apartment we are currently in once the baby is born. Not only is the apartment not condusive to a nursery (it only has one bedroom with a "den"), but the area the apartment is located in is not, by any means, where I would want to start raising a child. There are bars and a gas station surrounding us, there is an alley out our back window, and the weekends bring out many rowdy people to the neighborhood. I would definately rather be in a neighborhood with more families or just an overall quieter area. Also, Brad will be graduating from school just two weeks before my estimated due date, so we aren't completely sure where his job search will take him. We are hoping he will be able to find something the in Milwaukee/Metro area, so we can find a place somewhere between there and Germantown (which would make my commute so much shorter). If everything worked out the way I would like it, Brad would be able to find a job before he graduates so we would know where he would be located, we could find a new place and be moved in before the baby arrives (as long as he/she doesn't decide to come into the world early!) BUT, all of us know, things very seldom happen the exact way we would like them too. My attitude at this point is that I will just go with the flow, and everything will work out somehow! I have so many friends and family that are always here to help, that even if we have to move after the baby is born… we will have plenty of people willing to help (i hope ;) ). Also, I know that I have a mother and many aunts that would love to help decorate a baby nursery!!!

Speaking of the nursery, I found two nursery ideas that I just love! I would decorate exactly the same (as of course I need to be unique in my design) but I absolutely love the colors and design choices of these two rooms (i attached the photos!) The one is more modern earthy, with simple colors and modern, geometrics patterns. I figured I would try to (possibly) make some of the bedding and accessories with a found fabric (since modern bedding seems to be quite expensive). I could also pretty easily make some artwork for the walls. The other design is definately more bold and dramatic, but makes me feel happy when I look at it. The bright, vibrant colors just bring a smile to my face. The other thing I like about these two designs is that they can easily transition from baby to toddler, and even into their older years. The way I look at it is if I would decorate my own bedroom like that, they are good transitional designs! I asked my wonderful husband Brad which design he liked better, but i have yet to get a response (even though I could probably guess his answer!) Brad definately is more into earthy, neutral colors, which I also like. BUT, I also love some good, bright colors as well! We will see what the outcome ends up being… we have a little while to figure it out!

This friday I have an appointment for some first trimester screenings, just to check on the chances of the baby having any kinds of hereditary disorder. It was covered by my insurance, so I figured what can it hurt! It is always good to be more informed. They had mentioned POSSIBLY doing an ultrasound during the appointment, but I'm not getting my hopes up. They will probably just poke me with a bunch more needles and take more blood!! I will keep you posted, though! 

Keep growing and stay healthy in there little Kirsch… we are waiting for you!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

9.5 weeks • Starting to Investigate

I am now at around 9.5 weeks… and feeling pretty darn good. People keep asking me, "Oh Betsy, how are you feeling these day?" And my truthful answer is, "Pretty good." I think most people expect me to say that I am having horrible morning sickness and whatnot, but besides the occasional nausau feeling and not always having much of an appetite for certain things, it hasn't been even close to as bad as I was expecting it to be… at least yet. I have heard that most of the morning sickness is usually over by around 12 weeks, so I am really only about 2.5 weeks off of that point. So if things keep going as they are, my first trimester will have been pretty… well… pukey-free! If the rest of my pregnancy goes as smoothly as these first weeks have been, I'm in for a pretty fun and exciting pregnancy. 

I'm starting to get really antsy about having my next ultrasound. I just really want to see the growth of our little Kirsch… I am starting to see the growth in my belly… thats for sure! It all just completely amazes me! Brad like to makes comments about how I'm like an alien because it just seems too wierd that I would have another human growing inside of me! Leave it to the hubby to compare me to an alien! I'm ok with it though… because it truly does seem out of this world that we could create a human being and have it live in side of another human's body. Science can't even start to explain this phenomenon… its absolutely god-sent!

I was at the store this weekend, and just thought i would take a gander through the baby department… bad idea! I want to buy so many things! I held back and decided to wait til we see what we may get at the baby shower! It is quite a struggle, I must admit, to walk through that department and not buy a single thing. It will be even harder once we know the sex of the baby… since clothes will be much easier to buy!! I better start saving my pennies now! Speaking of buying new stuff for the baby… i would love suggestions from any of you reading this that have kids as to what brands they prefer, including diapers and whatnot. There are so many out there, it just so hard to know what brands are best, and word of mouth seems to be the best way to find out! 

Alright… I suppose I should stop blabbing about baby stuff and get back to my work. Later gator!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

9 weeks today!

It's hard to believe that I am already 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy… I can only imagine how quickly the end of May is actually going to come. That being said, the anxiety and stress of preparing for new baby Kirsch is starting to set it. It seems like there are so many things I need to have when the baby is born, where do you start? I did get a good suggestion from my good bud Cassie about buying a pack of diapers with each paycheck, to at least be prepared for the first month or two. All I know is that I want to be over prepared… because I know how stressed I will get otherwise. I am definately someone that likes to be prepared. 

To back track a little, I was looking at newborn diapers today online during my lunch break and holy cow, there a gazillion different kinds of diapers, even for newborns. I'm guessing, that I could research and all that stuff, but I bet they are all so much the same, that whatever i get would be just fine. If any of you have any suggestions or know from use what the little ones seem to like, PLEASE let me know! I also am debating on trying to use cloth diapers (the newer kind, not necessarily the old school type with the safety pins), at least once the little one is a couple months old. I have heard that it is such a money saver if you don't mind doing a little extra laundry (and dealing more closely with the dodo messes!).

I was doing the math today, and it looks like we will be able to find out the sex of the baby right around christmas time (either right before or right after!) I'm pretty excited… I just want it to be here already! What a great christmas/new years gift! At that time, MAYBE I will stop called IT Gizmo, and start calling it by its actual name. hehe (yep, Jon, I stuck with Gizmo… its kinda cute!) Then i can also start hitting up the thrift stores for baby and toddler clothes! Thats what I'm really looking forward to! That child is going to be more spoiled than he/she can even imagine! 

Alright… that was all to rant about today… Can't wait til May!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

BabyKirsch • 8.5 weeks old

I went in for what was supposed to be my first check-up since I found out I was pregnant, but it just so happened to actually be my second. My first was actually at 6.5 weeks, at which time they did my first ultrasound. I have to tell you… it was pretty incredible. When the doctor said, "There's a baby and a heartbeat!", I just about fell off the exam table. There are absolutely no words to describe what it feels like to know that a little human being is growing inside you! If you are someone that doesn't believe in the lord… this experience will be the turnaround point for you! How else can you describe the miracle a pregnancy! When the doctor actually showed me to little wee Kirsch that was inside of me… Wow! It actually looked like a person, even when it was only the size of a pea! Incredible! 

When I went in for my "first" check-up yesterday, I was really hoping they would do another ultrasound so I could see the progress of baby Kirsch, but I wasn't quite that lucky. They did poke me with lots of needles and take lots of my blood… so that was fun. I guess I will have to wait until around 20 weeks (which is just after christmas) to have my  next ultrasound (at least that's what I've heard). I guess i will just have to imagine the growing baby within until then! But the cool thing about that 20 week ultrasound is that is typically when they are able to determine – or attempt to determine – the sex of the baby. I left this decision up to the loving husband in the situation… Bradley… and he wants to know what the sex is. I was completely ok with this decision… as I secretly wanted to know myself. 

So enjoy the 6.5 week picture of baby Kirsch, and I will update you all with a new pic as soon as I get one!! Off to eat some more saltines and drink lots of water!! Tootaloo

Best Way to keep the Peeps informed

This is actually the first time i have ever written in a blog, but what better time than now, when I am getting ready to start a family, to have an outlet to get my thoughts out and share with all of my family and friends all of the changes that are taking place. This is such a crazy time, and still a little unbelievable. Even though we all think and dream about the day that we get pregnant and are expecting our first little one… you can never really prepare yourself for what the whole experience is going to be like. Yes, it is quite exciting, but very nerve-wracking at the same time! So many things to think about and plan for… where to start!? Thank goodness for all of my good friends that have recently had their first (and second) kids. They have given me oodles of much-needed first-timers advice. I couldn't thank them enough… but I hope they know their are many more questions coming their way!