Wednesday, February 22, 2012

OMG! 37 weeks… technically full term!

It is absolutely insane for me to think that I am already considered to be "full-term"! Seriously… where has the past 8 months gone! I can remember the day I found out I was pregnant like it was yesterday… and now we honestly could be meeting our baby girl any day! My emotions and thoughts are all over the board at this point… excitement, anxiety, overjoy, anticipation and just an overall disbelief that we are actually going to be parents! Its almost surreal. I obviously know that I have been pregnant and carrying this baby in my womb for 37 weeks, but now its hard to change the mindset to the fact that she is actually going to be here. She will be sleeping in the crib, and wearing all the adorable clothes and stealing our hearts! We soooo can't wait to meet her and introduce her to the loving family and friends that she is so lucky to have!

Along with these 37 weeks come all sorts of new aches, pain, feelings, etc. Since the little one has dropped (at least I think) she is not pushing up into my ribs so much, and breathing is much easier. BUT, on the other side of that is now she is pushing down into my bladder and lower stomach, causing all sorts of pressure down there that I haven't felt before. Walking and standing for any length of time seems to be a little more difficult just because there is so much weight being put on my upper legs. Not to mention the slight jolts of pain I get down my thighs every once in a while from her pushing on a nerve. But with all these changes also comes that, for some reason, I have actually been sleeping BETTER! I can't actually explain it, but its true. I also just feel this sense of peace because I think I am starting to realize that we are about as ready as we could be for her to arrive. Brad is very anxious for his baby girl to be here… he keeps asking how we can get her to just come already! <3 Its quite cute… she's gonna have him wrapped around his finger in no time!

So, speaking of her making her arrival… things are slowly but surely making progress. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday… my weight, blood pressure and baby's heartrate were all right on target. And she did my first internal exam. Looks like, as of Tuesday, I am 1cm dialated and 30% effaced. Also, she was able to feel the baby's head, so she is definately down and in her "ready" position. Even though it could still be 2 or 3 weeks till she gets here, its just really nice to know that things are at least moving along! I'm very anxious to see how things are progressing at my next doctor's appointment next week!

So just to give you guys some fun photos to look at, I'm posting pictures of what I'm calling the "final nursery" pics, and some pics from my different showers!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

35 weeks… The nursery is done, and the Bun is getting close!

35 weeks… wow! Ummm, for those of you who don't wanna do the math, that's only 5 more weeks till my due date! I can't even believe it… but my body can! My tummy is getting HUGE, things are definately starting to get ready for this little one to be here… and taking my shoes and socks on and off has become quite the chore! I only wish I could teach the dogs to help pull them off! I love that I still feel comfortable wearing my heals and boots, but I tell you they are not the easiest thing to get off! haha! When i go in for my doctor's appointments, I have to make sure that I wear shoes I can easily get off so I don't look like a total moron trying to get my shoes off when they go to weigh me! ;) The nurses at the doctor's office are all just so impressed I still wear heels! honestly, besides my tennis shoes, I only have one or two pairs of slip on shoes! Knowing me, I will probably be walking into the hospital to give birth with heels on! I'm sure they don't see that every day! Ok, enough of a rant about my shoes!

I just had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and everything was perfect! (thank the lord!) My weight and blood pressure were perfect, my belly size is right on track, and the baby is head down with her little bum right under my ribs! Its so cute to try to picture how she looks in there! (although a little cramped!) I have to say, I have been so lucky with this pregnancy. No complications, no bumps in the road (fingers crossed) and just feeling pretty darn good overall. Yeah, I've had the sickness, tiredness, etc, but thats all to be expected with any pregnancy. I feel very fortunate to still be able to work out a couple days a week and just go about my daily life as normal (although maybe just a bit slower… and don't ask me to pick anything up off the ground!)

Next week is the start of my WEEKLY doctor appointments leading up the our baby girl's arrival! We are also taking a tour of the birthing center next week… which I'm excited about! This is all starting to get so real… and we are going to welcoming such a precious gift to our family in no time! I can't wait to share all this excitement with you guys!

Hugs and happy hump day!