Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2 month checkup… what a fatty!

So little miss Sommer had a two month check-up and vaccinations yesterday. Overall, it went quite well. She is quite the trooper. So if you remember, at birth, Sommer was 6lbs 15oz and 21 inches long. Welllllll… now the stinker is 12lbs 7oz and 24 inches long!!!! She is growing so fast, its hard to believe! The doctor said that she now has cute rolls! (only as a baby are rolls cute… I wish people thought they were "cute" on adults… haha) She was so good throughout the whole appointment… and then came the vaccinations. She had to get three shots and an oral vaccine. She took down the oral just fine (cause we all know she loves to eat anything), and then came the shots. As soon as the first prick went in she starting crying! Thankfully though, it was pretty short lived. I held her for just a minute or so and then put her in her carseat. Basically, by the time we were heading out of the doctor's office, she was nice and quiet. She actually slept until we got home. The doctor said she would be a little crabby for like 24 hours (which she was a little crabbier than normal last night), but honestly, not nearly as bad as I expected! She is such a tough little munchkin.

Beside getting nice and chubby lately, she just overall seems to be growing before our eyes. She is moving around so much more, cooing like crazy, smiles up the wazoo, and trying her darndest to laugh! When you get her in the right mood, she will smile on and off for a good half hour! She smiles even more when you laugh at her! Those smiles just melt my heart! I just love to see her grow and reach new milestones each and every day!

So you all can enjoy her adorableness along with me… I am posting a bunch of photos and a cute video (from one morning at about 3am - if it works). Enjoy and happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just for fun!

So I just realized I could download the app to blog from my phone... And now I'm testing it out. This could mean more blogging for this mamma! I could more quickly update you all on my little peanut and all the silly things she does! Yeah for technology!

So I'm gonna try posting some pics from my phone, and hopefully it all works!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Almost 2 months old… holy moly!

So I'm going to start by apologizing for the almost 2.5 month gap in my postings… but I've been just a little busy! For those of you who don't know (and don't follow me on facebook or instagram) little Sommer Elizabeth Kirsch joined our little family on March 12 at 10:46 am. She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long (she is obviously going to take after her father in height!) I had a 16 hour labor, but only 5 minutes of pushing… thank goodness! Sommer decided she wanted to try to come out face up, so the last 2 or so hours of labor were spent trying to get the little acrobat to flip around so she came out face down. Thanks to a wonderful nurse who knew some crazy positions, we were victorious and Sommer came out safe and healthy! I was in the hospital for 2.5 days, and although it was nice to have the constant help and support from all of the nurses, it was such a wonderful feeling to go home with our new bundle (and to see my dear pups) to start our life as a little family!

Well… dear Sommer is now 8 weeks old and as adorable as I could ever imagine her to be. From the very beginning I thought she was very advanced… holding her head up at 1 day old (although I'm just slightly biased being her mom and all). She is now starting to coo and make all kinds of fun baby noises. Her smiles are becoming more and more frequent… and she grabs ahold of our hearts more and more each day! I never thought I could love anyone or anything as much as I love this little girl! I never want to leave her and I wish I didn't have to miss a minute of her life! Unfortunately work is a necessity in order to keep food in all of our bellies and clothes on our backs. It was quite a transition at 6 weeks, but its been fairly smooth (thanks to Brad's parents who are our "daycare" – they actually come and pick her up in the morning and brad picks her up on his way home from work). The transition would have been much more difficult had I had to put her in the care of a stranger! Thank goodness for family members who live close by! Well I could ramble on and on about my adorable mini me, but how about I just share a ton of pictures… ENJOY!