Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wowzers… 29 weeks!

Sorry everyone that it has been already 4 weeks since my last post! The weeks are just zipping right by me! (The holidays have helped with that too!) Its seriously hard to believe that I'm already into my 3rd trimester! How in the world did that happen??!!

As these weeks are passing… my anxiety is picking up (don't worry… not in a bad way) about all of the things that I still have to do… and LEARN! The nursery isn't even started, although we have most of the pieces, it just needs to all be put together! I think that will get started right after my first baby shower on the 14th. That will definately make me feel a little more settled! I've even been worrying about the idea that there's always a chance I could go into labor early and not even make it to my other 2 showers. I know there is nothing I can do and that things happen the way they will happen… but I can't help but think about it!

I have also been starting to put together my hospital bag. I've been reading all kinds of articles about what to bring and what not to bring, so that is where I am starting. I would love it if any of you moms out there could give me some advice on what you actually used/needed at the hospital and what you thought you would need, but maybe never touched! I don't want to walk into the hospital looking like i'm planning on staying for weeks! ;) hehe

So for christmas my parents bought me the perfect pair of nursing pajamas, that included bottoms, and super cute tank style top and robe. It will be perfect for once the little bambino is here! I also broke down today and finally bough some nursing bras. I have to tell you, they are a little strange and they made me laugh when i tried them on. I don't know why but i just think its funny the way they flip down. (I think that's my immaturity coming out… lol)

There has been some other normal changes that have been going on since the last time I updated you guys. Baby Kirsch is moving around like a ninja in training! When she decides she is awake… she goes crazy! I can see and feel her moving all over my belly! Its really quite amazing! If I can see her moving this much now… i can't imagine how it will be a month or so from now! Its like watching a little alien moving around in my tummy! She's going to be an active little baby!

One other thing that has seriously changed is my sleeping. Sleeping has become much more difficult, both from the little one moving around and from not being able to get comfortable. I swear I am constantly tossing and turning, and my hips actually start hurting so I have to switch sides. I'm just about to the point where I think i finally have to buy a body pillow. I'm thinking that may help me get comfortable! Thank goodness that Brad is a very heavy sleeper so all of my moving around doesn't bother him! (although I'm not going to be very happy about his heavy sleeping once the baby is here… hopefully that will change!)

So tomorrow is the start of my – every two weeks – doctor's appointment. I'm still just stunned that I'm already to that point in my pregnancy. Things have overall been going very well at my appointments. My weight is pretty much right on point (I've gained around 18 lbs already… wow!), my belly is just the right size, my gestational diabetes tests came back negative and everything else is pretty good in the hood. The only thing that the tests showed is that I'm slightly anemic, so I am now taking an extra iron vitamin and trying to eat more foods with high iron in them.

Well I think that is most of what I have to update you all with… but I'm sure there will be more and more to tell you all about as the weeks go by!

Enjoy your week before New Years ya'll!

PS. Thought you might enjoy knowing that Brad bought me the outfit that I'm wearing in my 29 weeks belly photo. It was part of my christmas present. He also got my an hour long prenatal massage! I can't wait!


  1. Get a body pillow! Man, I loved my body pillow. Charlie named it "Nancy," and she was the other woman that slept in our bed with us for quite a while. It's great how you can tuck them under your belly and have them between your knees to help everything line up and be more supported.
    As far as hospital bags go, I rembember reading that you should bring books and magazines and stuff...that's just crazy. Between visitors (both the welcome family kind and the wonderful nurses that come in to poke at you), attempting to nurse baby, and attempting to sleep, you're not really going to want to read. If you are feeling 'bored,' you just need to sit and look at your brand new miracle of a person you just brought into the world!
    Of course, make sure your bring your phone/camera and chargers. And comfy clothes, a couple of those awesome nursing bras (the tank top kind are awesome...not really supportive, but really comfy), snacks (like trail mix and granola bars and stuff that doesnt need to stay cold), I brought my own pillow cuz I'm kind of picky and it helps make the hospital bed at least a little like home.
    Man, I can't believe you're already in the 3rd trimester! The little one will be here before you know it! Have you guys decided on a name?
    Glad things are going well with you! Miss you!

  2. ah, the hospital bag. such fun to think about! i just read diana's post and i think she's spot on. we forgot our camera the first time, and i forgot my face moisturizer the second time. those were my two big bummers. (the camera was actually in the car, but we thought i was in false labor, so didn't bring it into the hospital until after quinn's birth).
    there is so much you DON'T need to bring to the hospital. but as long as you have cash, jammies (one piece--not two), something to wear home (or not. i was WAY too generous to myself when buying a top to wear home. it didn't fit me for MONTHS. needless to say, i went home wearing the same shirt i birthed the deelsters in.), and something for baby to wear home, you'll be set! but if you're the prompt-blogging type, bring your laptop, too. :) so many of us can't wait to see your precious bundle in 10 short weeks!

  3. Thanks Di and Ang for the comments… its so nice to get advice from those that have already "been there!" It will help make my bad so much lighter! I'm sure the laptop will be in the hospital room… as it will keep the loving hubby nice and busy! Its so hard to believe how fast things are going! I can't wait to share our bundle of joy with you guys!
