Thursday, March 1, 2012

38 weeks… let the waiting game begin!

Today is March 1 and my official "Baby" month!!! I couldn't be more excited and anxious! March seemed soooooo far away… and BAM!!!… here we are in March. I guess to say that I'm anxious doesn't really cover the whole realm of feelings. I'm anxious to meet the newest Kirsch. I'm excited to see her beautiful face and hold those little hands/feet that have been kicking my inside. I'm scared that I won't know exactly when I'm going into labor or what to do when she is finally here. I'm overjoyed that this has been such a smooth and healthy pregnancy for both me and Baby K and these are anywhere from only days to weeks until we get to meet her. I'm overall just so thankful that we have been given the opportunity to expand our family and share the love that Brad & I feel for each other with our baby girl.

Brad has been so calm and collected throughout this entire pregnancy, that is was hard to tell how excited and anxious he was for Baby K's arrival. I thought I was the only one freaking out about her making her debut. How wrong I was! hehe. He keeps telling me to eat spicy food and do whatever I need to to get her out. He told me last night… "I want her to be here so we can hang out!" This was so frickin adorable to me, just picturing him and his daddy's girl chilling on the couch watching some sports together! Makes me tear up a little… cause those are the simple little moments I look forward to! I will say, I have been bouncing on my exercise ball and trying to walk around more to maybe, just maybe, help speed things up a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% ok with her cooking in there till her due date, but if she wants to join the world a little early, I'm ok with that too!! We are all just so excited to meet her!

Well besides just being over excited to meet our baby girl, not a whole lot is new with me. (Weird, right, considering I'm over 8 months pregnant). I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, and I was 1.5cm dialated now, but still just 30% effaced. My weight, blood pressure, baby's heart rate and everything was right on target too. I have been feeling pretty darn good considering, although started to get a little more tired again, and the big ol' belly gets in the way a little more than it used to! One quick story about my belly… so our good friends Ryder & Wendy just bought a new house, and Brad & I were over there helping them out with a few things. Brad was helping to paint, and I was just doing to taping and taking off outlet covers. Anyways, Brad has just painted these half walls by the entryway, and I was standing in that area talking to him. Well about a half hour later I was sitting down eating with Wendy, and she looks at my shirt and ask, "What did you do?" When I looked down, I had a perfect little circle of fresh paint on my stomach. Sooo, I guess I still don't know how big my belly is because I stuck it up against the wall without even knowing! haha! I had a good laugh from that one!

Well I hope you all have a great first few days of March… and I will keep you all posted on any new happenings!


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