Monday, October 26, 2009

9.5 weeks • Starting to Investigate

I am now at around 9.5 weeks… and feeling pretty darn good. People keep asking me, "Oh Betsy, how are you feeling these day?" And my truthful answer is, "Pretty good." I think most people expect me to say that I am having horrible morning sickness and whatnot, but besides the occasional nausau feeling and not always having much of an appetite for certain things, it hasn't been even close to as bad as I was expecting it to be… at least yet. I have heard that most of the morning sickness is usually over by around 12 weeks, so I am really only about 2.5 weeks off of that point. So if things keep going as they are, my first trimester will have been pretty… well… pukey-free! If the rest of my pregnancy goes as smoothly as these first weeks have been, I'm in for a pretty fun and exciting pregnancy. 

I'm starting to get really antsy about having my next ultrasound. I just really want to see the growth of our little Kirsch… I am starting to see the growth in my belly… thats for sure! It all just completely amazes me! Brad like to makes comments about how I'm like an alien because it just seems too wierd that I would have another human growing inside of me! Leave it to the hubby to compare me to an alien! I'm ok with it though… because it truly does seem out of this world that we could create a human being and have it live in side of another human's body. Science can't even start to explain this phenomenon… its absolutely god-sent!

I was at the store this weekend, and just thought i would take a gander through the baby department… bad idea! I want to buy so many things! I held back and decided to wait til we see what we may get at the baby shower! It is quite a struggle, I must admit, to walk through that department and not buy a single thing. It will be even harder once we know the sex of the baby… since clothes will be much easier to buy!! I better start saving my pennies now! Speaking of buying new stuff for the baby… i would love suggestions from any of you reading this that have kids as to what brands they prefer, including diapers and whatnot. There are so many out there, it just so hard to know what brands are best, and word of mouth seems to be the best way to find out! 

Alright… I suppose I should stop blabbing about baby stuff and get back to my work. Later gator!

1 comment:

  1. Dang, I need to pay closer attention. I'm getting behind! So you going to have a men and women baby shower? They seem to be all the rage. Might help keep Bradley sane! Or maybe we could abduct him for the day. hehehe
